Written by 1:50 pm Technical


Dave Campbell – EV Technical Support Manager – spent some time with Simon, one of our EV Driver Support Technical Agents. In between calls, Dave, found time to ask Simon what a Day in the Life of an EV Driver Support Agent is like.

Is there a pattern for a typical Day in the Tech Dept ?

Only first thing. We review the handover log from the night team to check for any outstanding faults that were unable to be resolved overnight. 

We then review any charge points that are currently showing a fault and carry out remote diagnostics and action to try and resolve the issue without sending an engineer. We will review the logs to see if there are any trends and liaise with the charge point manufacturer if required, all to avoid an engineer being dispatched!

If we cannot resolve we will log a corrective call as required and inform the customer of our findings and update them on when the issue will get resolved.

No two days on Tech are the same. We react accordingly to whatever comes in be it via our back office partner, Fuuse, customers direct or driver phone calls …. There’s always something new to learn in this very much emerging market 

Diagnostic software ……….. how does that work ? 

The diagnostic software allows us to connect remotely to any charge station that we look after. Once connected we can carry out testing, view system logs , initiate charge sessions, end sessions and unlock the charge cable amongst other things 

How do you assist a driver with charging issues ? 

The Driver will normally call us direct because they either can’t charge or are unsure of the procedure, or may be some other issue. 

We would check that the charger is online, check there is a charged session available to the Driver e.g, they are authorised to use the charger.

Sometimes we remotely re-initiate the session, other times we must restart the unit and commence the process from the beginning.

It may be the driver is new to the world of EV and is struggling to charge their vehicle at a public charger; in which case we talk them through from start to finish and make sure they are charging before we close the call.

Is there ever a case where you can’t assist? 

Can’t is the only word missing from the Tech support dictionary! Worst case scenario we always try to get the customer moving even if it’s to direct them to the nearest charge point where they can fully charge.

Drivers are then updated on any subsequent fix so they can revisit the original charge point should they require it – this means the driver isn’t left with a bad taste in the mouth from not being able to charge, and is aware the charge point is functional next time they are in the area.

What’s the best part of the job for you ?

Personally, there is no best part …. I enjoy it all, however if you had to pin me down then I get a real buzz from a busy, fast changing atmosphere and get great pleasure in resolving someone’s issue and getting them moving as quickly as possible.

What would you say to those who are cautious about the change from Petrol/Diesel to electric? 

I would say go for it ….. rent one for a weekend give it a try you won’t look back. 

Why not do it sooner?! EV’s offer a very smooth, fast, whisper quiet, efficient and eco-friendly drive, and should you have any issues you get to talk to our fantastic engineers who will get you on your way in record breaking time!!
